What is your experience with amp power?

So I wanted to know what my fellow audiophiles feel about power.

I realize that some speakers are current hounds and need a prodigious amount of power or watts (lets say Maggies). But my question is for speakers that do not. Speakers that are easy to drive, or maybe just higher in efficiency and can be driven by a modest tube amp or even an adequate receiver. 

What is you experience with high power, high current amps ? Do your speakers sound better with more power? At low volumes, in a small or medium sized room? Do you think the quality of the music is dependent on higher powered amps?

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Showing 1 response by noodlyarm

First is sound quality.   If you don’t like the first watt, you won’t like more of them.   That’s not my quote, but I really liked it.

Second is synergistic.   It has to work well in my system (with my other components), not someone else’s, like the dealer’s…

Third is power.   More is always better.

Fourth is aesthetics.   It’s got to look good and have a high WAF.

Fifth is price.   I have to be able to afford it as I don’t want a new wife.

Sixth is new vs used.   I prefer new, but usually end up with well cared-for used.  (See Fifth as I get a better bang for my buck).


YMMV (your mileage may vary)…