What is your experience with amp power?

So I wanted to know what my fellow audiophiles feel about power.

I realize that some speakers are current hounds and need a prodigious amount of power or watts (lets say Maggies). But my question is for speakers that do not. Speakers that are easy to drive, or maybe just higher in efficiency and can be driven by a modest tube amp or even an adequate receiver. 

What is you experience with high power, high current amps ? Do your speakers sound better with more power? At low volumes, in a small or medium sized room? Do you think the quality of the music is dependent on higher powered amps?

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Showing 1 response by mjmcubfn

More power, more better when comparing apples to apples is pretty spot on. The best example of this I’ve ever heard is when I added a second Devialet to my system go from a 200 to a 400. It was an instant wow. Same technology all around, just more power. 

But now I use a Luxman 590, 30w class A and will never go back. 

The type of power seems to me to be way more important than the amount of power.