What is this term 'analytical' ?

I see this routinely in reviews & comments and so do you:

It’s too analytical. It’s so analytical that it’s not musical. Etc.

What does this mean? You can actually hear stuff? You picture math problems on a chalkboard? A shrink’s couch?

Isn’t the entire point of this hobby to hear music clearly? But apparently: not too clearly?


Showing 3 responses by edcyn

mijostyn -- How 'bout we start using a new term -- convincing. Does the sound fool you into momentarily believing there's no longer an electro-mechanical intermediary between you and the music? Does the sound you hear viscerally bring you closer to the performance..whether that performance be recorded live or carefully constructed/assembled in the mixing room?

It usually refers to a set-up that emphasizes treble/high frequencies. If you listen to a lot of live, unamplified music or play live music yourself, you soon find that a lot of audio systems.do like to give you a bit more treble.

The sound that comes from my equipment can be lovely and emotionally absorbing but it is rarely truly convincing. I'd give my modest rig about a 6.