What is the sweetest sounding tube amp.

What is the sweetest sounding tube amp $2000 to $3000 range or what is the sweetest sounding tubes I like sweet luscious sound I have a RM9 tube amp now with EL34,S now. I can use KT88,S but i was told 34,s are sweeter.I have demoed a 300b amp by golden tube audio wich was better but i want more. The input tubes on my RM9 were 6dj8.s I swtched to sovetec witched helped alot but i need a sweeter sound

Showing 2 responses by twl

Alot depends on the speakers you need to drive. In my opinion, a SET amp using Type 45 triodes is the sweetest sounding setup of all, but it only has about 2 watts per channel. As a generality, a single-ended amp will be "sweeter" than a push-pull amp. But again, usually that means lower power. If you want "sweeter" than a push-pull EL-34 amp, you about have to go single-ended. This means very efficient speakers, if you want good SPL.
There's a Korneff 45 amp on the classifieds right now that would kick butt on those Edgarhorns. And it's in your price range too. If that ain't sweet enough for you, then I can't think of anything that would do it. Maybe a Wavelength 45 or a FI 2A3. Or maybe even a 300B, if you want a little more oooomph in the bottom end.