What is the "best" of the 5881 Tubes.

I have not had much experiance with the 5881 series of tubes. I have used only KT88/6550-EL34-807's..on and on, but my new incoming amp has the 5881's (Onix p3).

Any ideas ??

well no luck getting a response from Melody ....not sure what to make of it ? I was told that if a bias circuit was a 'good' design then it would not allow you to go past the point that it could not safely sustain ....but who knows what kind of a circuit we have ...??

I put the Bias question directly to AV123 this morning (by Email). I will relay their response. I also suggested that they take some time to follow our threads (here on Audiogon).

we will hope for the best Tubby but for some reason ...they are silent on this issue ????
let us know ...
Bias issue for the 6L6 (GC) is resolved.. !

According to the techs at AV123 (in their reply to my Email) they have suggested that the Bias voltage remain the same as for the 5881 power output tubes. That Voltage is: 1.15VDC. Since the makeup of the 6L6 is basicly the same, and the output is at the same level, an increase in voltage would not be justified. Soooooooo... There we have it 1.15 Volts.
As a side note, I rec'd my JJ Electronics 6L6GC's and I immediatly stuffed them in the SP-3. I set the Bias Voltage for a Buck-Fifteen. I then waited for the explosion, molten glass slivers in my eyes and nasty noises from my schredded speakers. None of all that, BUT there was plenty of the "needle wabble" and "the Numbers Dance" that indicates a journey ito "Tube Ocillation". I just cant spell at all today... any day actually, but I am really having tough time with it today.

Hey Modereator...... SPELLCHECK (please).

Anyway, Out go the JJ's. I still have a Quad of China Electron 6L6's that came with the deal, so when I get my nad's back I'll give them a try.

All for now...