What is the "best" of the 5881 Tubes.

I have not had much experiance with the 5881 series of tubes. I have used only KT88/6550-EL34-807's..on and on, but my new incoming amp has the 5881's (Onix p3).

Any ideas ??


Showing 8 responses by tubeears

Thanks for all info. .... Valuable and appreciated.

I didn't find anyone that had any of the GT 12ax7M tubes in stock (even Groove Tube is back ordered). I did try a pair of Sovtek 12ax7WB's (that I purchased from a music store close by). "BIG" difference (lower/tighter bottom and way more open). I'm getting the feeling that these ONIX SP-3's are VERY-VERY tube sensitive. What a plus !! I have had a few amps that "tube rolling" did just about nothing at all for them. Pleasant surprize indeed.
I will take your advise on the SED 6l6's as soon as I get a new CD player in (one expence after another, isn't it). "TubeDepot.com" has the "Cryo" SED-6L6GC's for about 120.00 (a Quad). I'm thinking seriously about doing that. Haven't tried the Cryo tubes before but have heard some good things.
Have you played around with the 6dj8/6922's at all yet or the 12AU7's ? I would think that the 12AU7's would not have too much effect ( not by my experiences anyway) but a NOS (or better than "stock") set of 6DJ8s might... I don't want to roll all the tubes at once but I am a bit anxious to hear "all" of this "little jewel" of an amp.

In a short answer to my own question, I dropped in a pair of NOS GE 6dj8 (6922)'s in the SP-3 and found a slight but very distinct difference. The GE's (similar in sound to the Philips imho) brought out a more "single ended" immediacy with a tad more "forward" presentation. The images are a bit more localized and a bit more transparent. Not whole bunch better, but a little. Combined w/ the 12ax7wb change, it is a lot. I'm sure that cost was a factor in selecting the stock tubes for the SP-3, but in all fairness, they did choose some musical ones. The stock tubes are very open and non-fatiguing, but they are in need of a bit of speed and texture (again imho).

Thank's for the help Rhing. I will give Torres Engineering a call later today. They seem to be the ONLY ones with the GT 12AX7-M's. I'm still thinking stongly about "Cyro" tubes (for the 6L6's), but they are a bit pricey. On the other hand, they last an awful long time.
My speakers are ones that the SP-3 should not be able to drive, but they do. They are the Genesis 400's. They are about 6 years old, made just before the Gennesis break-up and not continued in their new (and less conventional looking) line. They are kinda the "forgoten Genesis" (along with the 300). A tough nut to drive. Their signature is a VERY smooth and OPEN sound, with ttttight bass and silky highs (the Genny tweeter is about the best around). Drum solo's will scare the normal mortal, and some audiophiles.
We are "low level" listeners in this house, so the need for power is not a tremendous issue. The SP-3 has work out just fine so far. I think with the added benifit of rolling the tubes to match the rest of the system, it may be a perfect match (for us anyway).
The next venture is an Onix XCD-99.

Can anyone find an "open door" (so to speak) to the techs or service at Melody Audio in Australia ? I believe that they would be the ones to have the most expertiese in the Bia's and limitations of the SP-3. My only hesitation would be a gentle "toe stepping" on AV123 or perhaps causing a potiential problem between Melody and them.
It is important for us (the owners and potential owners) to know the operational parameters of this fine amp. The "known" is:
5881's, 6l6's and KT66' all have different bias voltages (as: 6550 vs KT88/KT90).
(just cant seem to spell today). Any-who, It is the fine folk's at AV123 that should be saddled up to the boys down under to find a answer to our madness.

I would like to think that there is a "magic" bowl that is always filled with new (and replacement) amps at AV123. As reality may have it, however, we are perhaps Guinney Pigs stuck in a tub of volts.
Being the dumb A that I am, I have the honor of using the "new and improved" version of "WebTV". It will not allow me to access the "Melody" website. ... Just about, but not quite. I "can" get on the "Euro." version, but it is in French (or something like it).
Melody (in it's own right) is big Doo-Da in Europe. Melody makes (or engineers) a gaggle of amps (plus some other candy). They must make amps over in Australia to keep their minds off the sharks. Although I have know some sharks that were Audiophiles (check under "Feedback").
I now have 2 quads of 6L6's coming in. One quad is from JJ and another a China Electron. I'll start at 1.15 Volts to 1.4/5 Volts. I will understand that the lower D Volt D higher D Ampre (say Ohm-me). I just don't want to take out the resister that is there (just waiting) for me to do that.

I put the Bias question directly to AV123 this morning (by Email). I will relay their response. I also suggested that they take some time to follow our threads (here on Audiogon).

Bias issue for the 6L6 (GC) is resolved.. !

According to the techs at AV123 (in their reply to my Email) they have suggested that the Bias voltage remain the same as for the 5881 power output tubes. That Voltage is: 1.15VDC. Since the makeup of the 6L6 is basicly the same, and the output is at the same level, an increase in voltage would not be justified. Soooooooo... There we have it 1.15 Volts.
As a side note, I rec'd my JJ Electronics 6L6GC's and I immediatly stuffed them in the SP-3. I set the Bias Voltage for a Buck-Fifteen. I then waited for the explosion, molten glass slivers in my eyes and nasty noises from my schredded speakers. None of all that, BUT there was plenty of the "needle wabble" and "the Numbers Dance" that indicates a journey ito "Tube Ocillation". I just cant spell at all today... any day actually, but I am really having tough time with it today.

Hey Modereator...... SPELLCHECK (please).

Anyway, Out go the JJ's. I still have a Quad of China Electron 6L6's that came with the deal, so when I get my nad's back I'll give them a try.

All for now...