What is the "best" of the 5881 Tubes.

I have not had much experiance with the 5881 series of tubes. I have used only KT88/6550-EL34-807's..on and on, but my new incoming amp has the 5881's (Onix p3).

Any ideas ??


Showing 3 responses by rhing


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Before you touch the 5881 tubes (which are basically the military version of the 6L6) in your new Onix SP3, do yourself a favor and install a pair of the Groove Tubes 12AX7-M "Mullard Reissues." You'll find the bass to better defined and the mids livelier without giving anything up in terms of detail and speed. The Chinese stock 5881s are decent, and you can get more mileage out of changing the 12AX7 preamp tubes.

If you have the itch to change the four power tubes, get a matched quad of the SED "Flying C" 6L6GC tubes, and adjust the bias of the tubes accordingly.
If you are still interested in getting the Groove Tubes 12AX7-Ms, you can get a pair from Torres Engineering in San Mateo, Califoria. Their Web site is: www.torresengineering.com. Their price is very reasonable and they also carry the SED 6l6GC power tubes. I haven't rolled any other tubes with my Onix SP3 yet, but I was thinking of trying out the Electro Harmonix 6922 and 12AU7 tubes next. I might even try NOS Jan Phillips 6922s. Just curious what speakers are you using Tubby?
Tubby, you won't be disappointed with the Onix XCD-99 CD player. I own the XCD-88 which is virtually the same as the XCD-99 aside from cosmetic differences. I bought a B-stock unit from AV123 as I wanted something that would match the SP3's grey metal fascia. The B-stock unit was in excellent condition when I received it and it has been very satisfying to listen to. I plan to upgrade the unit through Underwood Hi Fi in the near future as AV123 will continue to honor the three year warranty even after Underwood Hi Fi's modifications. If you want to save some more money, call AV123 and ask if they have any B-stock XCD-99 or XCD-88 units available. They back up their B-stock units with the standard three year warranty. All-in-all, this CD player matches up very well with the SP3 integrated amp for a very musical combination.

Bernard991, please keep us informed about your mod plans. I think you've posted some information about this on the AV123 forum, correct? Anyway, your post has me searching for NOS tubes 6922's and 12AU7's.