What is the quality and performance level of Fluance turntables??

My U-Turn Orbit turntable crapped out on me again, that is the motor does work and also hums  at higher volume when it did work, 

Considering  one the "Fluance "tables  Need some feedback if possible about their quality and performance

Thank you.



Showing 1 response by pindac

Nearly all TT's are capable of replaying a LP to a level it is able to be enjoyed.

It does not matter the age or cost of the TT.

I have Aurex SR 520 Models bought in at low monies as a donor for upcoming modification projects.

I own other Vintage TT equipment from the same era, that costs through certain sales sites a 100 x more than I bagged the SR Models for.

The SR as a standard model with no TLC given, is totally capable as a Standalone TT, to the point it would need to be A/B compared to other better fettled TT's to speedily differentiate the qualities is is not demonstrating. 

Here is the conundrum, I can take a selection of owned Vinyl LP's that are extremely poor production, which will make any TT, of any value present in a manner that is unwanted, unattractive and not wanted to be maintained.

@sunnyjim stated " I don't have a lot of vinyl but cherish was I have and play them on a quality table "

To keep this experience ongoing will not prove difficult to put in place, not blowing the budget on the TT, will certainly leave funds to Grow the Vinyl Collection.   

'As a tip', Amazon has a great returns policy, when a Vinyl LP is purchased, if it is seemingly of poor quality, have it exchanged. I have done this up to three times on One Album purchased and ended up with a very impressive quality LP.

If you keep your eye on Warehouse at the time of the returns, the chances are the reduced priced Album being seen is your very own returned Album. Moral of the story Avoid the Bargain Offers in Warehouse.