What is the proper loudness for listening?

Paul McGowan via YouTube claims that each room, system and recording has a specific sound level at which music sounds most "real"

I've noticed this myself listening to my 3 different systems set up in differing rooms. Thought I was crazy to think so but I guess maybe I'm not?

Also, have notice in smaller listening rooms that lower maximum volume levels sound more real.  Going too high on volume in a small room just overloads it and results in distortion

Any comments?


Showing 2 responses by stuartk

I have a big space and the system doesn't really come alive much under 75db.

Having read somewhere that listening above this level on a regular basis can lead to hearing loss, I don't exceed it.  I have no wish to compound the damage already done by guitar amps. There's no sense of "missing out" by not cranking it louder, though. 

I do automatically turn it down when my wife wants to listen. It only makes sense to  do whatever I can to ensure she enjoys the system.  


Well, OK. When I worked as a baker in Eugene, our sole means of ventilation was  a small fan mounted in 3X3'  window. Standing over a mixer churning flour dust into the air all day, I was concerned about my respiratory health. I called OSHA  The first  thing the guy asked was "can you see across the room". With this question alone, he made it abundantly clear that the regulations (no doubt written by industry lobbyists and rubber-stamped by elected representatives on their payrolls) were a joke. As a consequence, I don't have a lot of faith in govt. guidelines.