What is the proper loudness for listening?

Paul McGowan via YouTube claims that each room, system and recording has a specific sound level at which music sounds most "real"

I've noticed this myself listening to my 3 different systems set up in differing rooms. Thought I was crazy to think so but I guess maybe I'm not?

Also, have notice in smaller listening rooms that lower maximum volume levels sound more real.  Going too high on volume in a small room just overloads it and results in distortion

Any comments?


Showing 1 response by snoidslap75

I have learned that the best way for any system is to turn it up till it starts to get harsh, then turn the volume down till everything comes into FOCUS like a lens.You can tell pretty quickly. I heard a LOT of systems at AXPONA 2023 with my wife and we both thought most systems we heard were too loud for the room. But, there are people coming in and out, talking, etc. So it is limited to say the least.