What is the preferred cartrige mm or mc and why

Curious to know why some audiophiles prefer a moving coil cartridge over moving magnet type. What determines this preference? Does the tonearm determine which type is preferred? Why? 

Showing 3 responses by gillatgh

Bsme85, I am doing my homework, assignment is to research the OP subject matter. Can't think of a better way than going to the end user for their views. If it bothers you to say someting constructive don't say anything. For those who do tell their stories and opinions there are a lot of fence sitters who enjoy and find your input valuable. I know I do. So thank you for your participation 
Williewonka, thanks great link and down to earth read. This is what the OP is about, thanks for sharing. Share and learn

Bsme85, getting it done! You can stop trolling. Or not. I may need to do homework but you need to find a life.