What is the perferred material for a TT shelf?

I'm designing a shelf for my turntable. Any recommendations as to what material to use. 


Showing 1 response by adg101

This will only set you back $40 or so give it a try; I use this on my Pro-Ject Xtension 10 and I'm happy with the results and it was easy and cheap.

IKEA Lamplig bamboo cutting board. The board has a grove on one side so I have that side facing down. $14.99 plus shipping.

Between the cutting board and my rack I use 4 RTOM Moongel Dampening Gels. I place the gel pads to the inside edge of the grove noted above; not in the grove but pass the grove. If you live near a Guitar Center or any drum shop they sell the Moongel there. Us drummers have been using this stuff for years. Package with six pads is $7.

This simple cheap tweak works great on all components as well.