What is the most decadent, most self indulgent--

.......most frivilous item you've ever bought for your stereo system-- make it over $100. bucks. BTW, the "car thread" prompted me to start this one.

I'll confess. I bought a 2nd Levinson M37 transport when I already have a perfectly fine M37. I love this transport as besides having excellent sound characteristics and build quality, it allows for PERMANENT disc and track programming and will store the programs for 1,000s of discs.

I couldn't help it-- the component was beautiful, the price fair, and lust was "running high" at the time. Cheers. Craig

Showing 4 responses by garfish

Well people, I had kind of forgotten about HT-- a whole other story, eg I have every "backup component" I need for music in my admittedly "half-assed" HT system. I mean who actually "needs" a Muse M2 DAC in their HT system?-- not to mention, SF Line 1 pre-amp, McCormack DNA-0.5DX amp etc-- well, OK the amp and pre fit, but I very very seldom use this gear for music with our 46" TV, but it is all hooked up. So I suppose all this "extra" gear is pretty self indulgent.

Maybe you've noted re the "car thread" that my wife and I drive pretty modest vehicles.

Jeff; I was interested in hearing from you and Sean too 'cuz I know from your postings that both of you have a LOT of gear-- backups to backups, multiple redundancies etc. Here's to lust (make that zest, bliss, happiness etc.) Craig
Sean; We KNOW about you, and you can no doubt BS with the best of us;>). Jeff, was that Prozac Tablets-- the new "laid back" models? LOL! I like the way you people think, and feel that I "fit right in". Cheers. Craig
Yeah, Viggen nailed a big one for me too, ie the amount of time I spend here on the 'Gon, and the i-net in general. According to my wife, I SHOULD be mowing the %^$#%&** grass etc. Beers. Craig
Oz; enjoyed your post(s), and David happy house hunting--especially in finding one with a GREAT STEREO ROOM. Cheers too. Craig