What is the least compressed signal?

Hello everyone.I was wondering what everyone's thoughts might be about what is the least compressed front end signal? A friend of mine recently told me that radio signal is compressed. So I thought maybe a direct connection to a CD player? Or, since CDs are pretty compressed, maybe a record player? Thoughts?
the reason I ask is, my friend recently gave me a fantastic pair of speakers. And I've been listening to the radio through them. He had a disgusted look on his face and told me I was not using these speakers how they were meant to be used, because the radio signal is kind of crappy and compressed. I would love to use the speakers as they were intended. Meadowlark kestrel hot rods hooked up to an Integra receiver w/ kimbers
costco_emoji, I will not be totally happy unless milk squirts out of your friend’s nose. I assume your friend is also a high school drop out. You should have listened to your mommy when she told you to finish school. 🤗
kosst_amojan06-14-2019 4:05am
Kosst doesn’t have a wife. Kosst went through two. One went to prison for attempted murder. The other died a year and half ago of a heroin overdose. Kosst is a single dad of a 15 year old daughter and wouldn’t get married again
Is that what Americans call "Trailer Trash"? It sounds like it and it is hard to fund audio purchases if you're on Public Assistance.
Enough! No need to insult anyone. I'm just asking opinions about audio, not looking for anyone's disdain for anyone else. Let's get back on track...
      So to get a hi quality audio source, you need to purchase a high quality source, be it vinyl, CD, or mp3. Correct?
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