What is the future for Proac Speakers ?

I have always enjoyed their speakers and have owned them in the past. However, from what I have heard, they are no longer being imported into the US due to distribution problems, the main engineer is no longer there and Mr. Tyler's future is in question. I also see an increase in Proac's being sold here on Audiogon. Does anybody know what's going on at Proac ????

Showing 2 responses by jjss49

Good to hear ProAc and Stuart Tyler are doing well, if managing an importer transition in the USA and some personnel issues in house. Since the 80’s I have owned Super Tabelettes, Response 2, 3, 3.5, Anniversary Tablettes, and currently D15’s. Moving now to D30R’s, first try of the ribbon tweeter...

Carry on ProAc... your products are wonderful and bring hours of musical bliss to many, including myself.
r i p stewart tyler

your original, brilliant tablettes opened my eyes (and ears) to what high end hifi can do as a 20 year old, how music played so beautifully and clearly can touch one’s soul, and give a clean window on so many remarkable artistic performances and pieces

my own life’s progression since then has coincided your company’s success around the world -- over time i have been very lucky to have your response 2, 3, 1.5, d15, and to this day, i still have your wonderful r3.5, d30rs, d15 (and even my original set of tabby 2k’s)

may your after-life be filled with joy and lovely music, as much as you have brought to those of us who have so enjoyed your creations ... 🙏🙏🙏