What is the function/pupose of music plyr/streamer

Sorry guys another neophyte here with a simple question.
I am going to set up a Computer sourced link into my audio system (sooner or later, once I figure this out).
I "think" I have the basics of the chain down; Computer, Bridge/Converter, DAC, Amp. However I don't understand what advantage a music player/streamer would afford me.(I will be using a MAC and using mostly Apple Lossless files). So this invites 3 questions for me.
1. Why do I or would I need a Music player or Music Streamer? (they are the same, right?)
2. When used, where should it go in the chain?
3. While these devices often list support for many different kinds of audio files, almost none actually say they support Apple lossless, is this because they don't or they just don't want to spell it out?
Thanks for your patience with some of us new/old (double jeopardy) guys.
But any info would be much appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by 246810

OK Great answers.
Russe- I guess I didn't realize for some reason the player/streamer had a DAC.
Larry- If I'm reading your system right, you dont have a player/streamer, right?
Loomis- I think FLAC and Apple Lossless are not the same. You confirm my suspicion that the player is for managerial duties.
Steve- Is it just Airplay you have an issue with or the whole idea of storing and playing using apple lossless? And
I appreciate the streaming tutorial.
Mapman- You bring up a function for the player aside from its managerial duties. Does not the chain of Bridge/Converter to DAC to AMP isolate the computer in the same respect?

And yes I was afraid I'd hear the old refrain "if it doesn't say so, don't assume it does". I guess I'm hoping the manufacturers were to hung up on space to spell it out
because I know Apple won't recognize any of the acronyms, you know being apple and all.

Thanks this is helping me a lot.
Oh I should tell you guys my system so you know where I'm coming from.
Are you sitting down; I think you should be sitting.
Kenwood KR7600 Receiver
Sony PS-T3 Turntable
JBL L100 Speakers
Purchased in 75/76
(never gave up buying albums)
Still works like a champ, but I'm actually thinking of buying some new gear, I just don't want to rush into anything.
Thanks for responding.
So, I'm going to guess you use FLAC.
Can you recommend a s/w app that allows my mac to play well with FLAC?
Only problem is I promised my girlfriend I would load her Ipod if I could rip her CD's. Does that mean I'll have to rip 2 different times?
I like the simple, I didn't know I could exclude the preamp with any form of pure amp, I'll have to dig into that.
Again thanks for taking the time to share your expertise.
Hey! Thanks Sandstone (and Steve) for your expertise.
I think what I've gleened from all this is, I can rip to ALAC (which is good for Ipod purposes) and convert to WAV in certain circumstances. That sounds excellent.
Does anybody have a suggestion for MAC S/W to accomplish the conversion?
It appears also that Music Players/Streamers are primarily music managers, I'll have to get back to them when I have some management experience.
Thanks again to all.
p.s. Steve, I'm still working on that system, but the monobloc's confuse me. I think I better stick with an integrated that has a phono amp, simple is good.