What is the chain of importance in analog system ?

i seem to hear different opinions on this matter.
An old audiophile chap told me that the most important is the cart, arm, table, phono stage (in that order).
On the other hand, some analog guru said, that the most important is the phono stage, then the table, arm, cart.
One friend, even said, all is important!
I tend to agree that all is important but we don't have deep pockets to afford an all out assault on a tt system.
Perhaps some people here can share their views.
thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by dertonarm

Usually I do not like the term "chain of importance" but it is tempting nevertheless......

Based on my 3 decades in high-end analog audio:

1) the phonostage - all the more if a LOMC is used
2) a rather close 2nd: the TT
3) much more important than the individual class of each component inidvidually seen: the match of cartridge and tonearm
Look on the used market.
A suggestion of a great combo in that price range ?
Well - put (buy...) together the following on Audiogon (will take you 1-2 months only):

- Phonostage: Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 signature or Phono One - $700-1k
- tonearm: Graham Phantom - approx: $2k - 2.5k
- TT: used VPI TNT w/suspension - approx: $2k - 3.5k
or used Platine Verdier 3.5k to 4.5k
- cartridge: Dynavector 17D3 - approx: $500
- tonearm cable: AQ Leopard $500

Cartridge and cable can easily bought new. This is a combination which will work great and with almost ANY cartridge. Room for upgrade in the future, but already CLASS A if carefully set-up.

You can not get wrong with the above combo. It will outperform each and everything available new for double the price.