What is the chain of importance in analog system ?

i seem to hear different opinions on this matter.
An old audiophile chap told me that the most important is the cart, arm, table, phono stage (in that order).
On the other hand, some analog guru said, that the most important is the phono stage, then the table, arm, cart.
One friend, even said, all is important!
I tend to agree that all is important but we don't have deep pockets to afford an all out assault on a tt system.
Perhaps some people here can share their views.
thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by cmalak

so around the middle of the thread, Nolitan (the OP) decided to take his conceptual question of how to prioritize where to spend in the analog chain, to seeking out specific recommendations of a well-matched, synergistic analog playback system for $5k-$8K:

"thanks for the input guys. So, if we are to put this in reality, maybe you guys can suggest some good combos to start with based on the theories and experiences you guys have. maybe a tt system w/ cart, table, arm, phono stage and tonearm cabling for $5000-$8,000.
Ex: Lyra Dorian-> VPI Classic with original tonearm-> modwright phono stage-> nordost tonearm cabling.
this is getting interesting."

For folks shopping for an analog rig who have not had the experience of trial and error with prior systems, getting recommendations on what tt/tonearm/cart/phono combos work well together is super useful. it sounds like Nolitan is considering the VPI Classic and is looking for synergistic cart and phono suggestions but is also open to other combos in the $5k-$8K range. Any suggestions?
Nolitan...i quoted your comment...that's what I understood you were after...if I misunderstood, I apologize.