what is the best way to wire up my system

i have two nht's vt 2.5 towers for the fronts....two nht vt 1.2 towers for the rear and two nht vt-1 centers...i also have (4)ma 500 marantz monoblock amps which i would of put on individual towers, (1)nad c272 to power the centers, along with nht sa 2 sub woofer amp and two 10" sub, and a sr 18 marantz receiver .....my questions are...1]what is the best wiring to use in this application for both audiophile or movies....2]what is the best and optimum room size,because i want to build a ht room whether it be wall or wood...3]is it best to bi wire my system or connect all my subs in the towers to the sub amp
One of the easiest (and most overlooked ways) to determine the best room size is to identify the equipment and furnishings that will be in the room. No need to build a large room if you don't need the space, or a small room if you have a lot of stuff to put in it! As for the "best room size" question, there really isn't any super calculator available that will provide this information. One thing that I've identified over the years spent working with both audio and home theater set ups is that it seems to be easier to properly voice a multi-channel system if the room is approx. twice as long as it is wide and the walls are perpendicular.

Also, just as important as the size of the room is to make sure you take the time to set the room up right! This means constructing the room using quality sound dampening materials both in the walls / ceiling and on the walls / ceiling. Theater rooms sound their best when the walls and ceiling are sealed tight. If you really plan on using 6 subs in your system, serious acoustical treatments are a must! Not just to keep the sound away from your neighbors (lol), but to keep all that bass from sounding muddy as well as preventing unwanted room reflections.
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thanks for the input,but i also was looking into building an ht room and wanted to know what room size is best to accommodate the 4 towers and two subs so the room wouldnt sound too congested [remember i have 6 subs]just making sure i have enough room because those marantz amp kick butt amd are really weighty in bass with the nht towers...i've tried looking for any thing online to help me calculate the ideal room size that is suited for me whether it be pics , or forums ,but no spec calculators ...i already have an audiophile system, this room is for movies....thanks in advance
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IMHO. . .An inexpensive way to wire your system with a very good sounding cable (I've compared to Kimber 8tc) is to use YARDMASTER PATIO power cord for your speaker cables (you will have to refashion and terminate the ends). It comes in 40 foot lengths and I think you can get green, white, or brown colors. Just my 2 cents worth. Happy listening,