What is the best way to clean Vinyl?



Showing 1 response by ccolt350

When I had found the LAST system it couldn’t be shipped in the US. It wasn’t til the late 90’s I was able to purchase and receive it (shipped).  It was their record preservative that had caught my eye. The statement of the temperatures hit with stylus dragging around the vinyl and the ability of this preservative to lower the temperatures considerably.  I use their cleaning solution and brush/ applicator as well. It has kept the vinyl in good shape. I am using a Technics 1200 and grado cartridge.  Which when I got it in 92 sounded better than all the cds in our collection and still does. 
I just hadn’t seen LAST mentioned, and didn’t know if anyone else used it. It is a manual method. I see they make a cleaning solution for RCM units also, never used one though.