What is the best tube preamp currently available?

Folks - It seems my Golden Tube Audio SEP-3 is finally dead and no support or schematics is available in the entire industry. I am forced to consider a new preamp. I am spoiled with its wonderful tube quality and thought you folks would be the perfect forum to start this research for the perfect replacement. I am primarily stereo based, but would consider an A/V tube preamp, if within my budget. I look forward to your recommendations.
Thanks in advance! - Bill
To repair your Golden Tube Audio preamp you may want to try contacting Loc Vu-Quoc. He is apparently a specialist with those components and does modifications as well. I don't have contact information, but you might contact the person running this current Audiogon ad to find out how to get in touch with him.

As far as your question, I'd completely agree with Mrjstark: That call has entirely to do with a combination of personal preferences and system synergy. There is no such thing as a universal "best" tube preamp. There are many good ones out there. I can't tell you what would work for you, but I'd check out getting your current one repaired if you like it.
Billfields: You have received several recommendations on established audio repair services. The ball is in your court.

As for what is best... It doesn't exist only that equipment that works best with the equipment you own. It is a misnomer to believe replacment of one component vs another ,blindly, will benefit you in a positive direction. Perhaps a discussion of what you already own is as good a starting place as any. All the best.
TRON Syren with all the bells and whistles.



The TRON amps are made by Graham Tricker, who is one of the world's best tube designers. He runs a boutique business in the UK and distributes in the US through Highwater Sound in NYC. They sound great and are all built by Graham himself to order. They can be customised to suit individual cartridges etc and you can request optional upgrades eg all silver wiring etc.

I've got a TRON Meteor (predecessor of the Syren - mine has Syren boards in it) and I won't be upgrading from this.

I think the Golden Tube is far more than entry level gear. It is an older technology, yet so is a Marantz model 7. What I like about the preamplifier is the warm musical sound. I would not say it is equal to my ARC, there are some who think Conrad Johnson is better; it is a matter of opinion, not price. I never liked the SF 2. MK II, or 3, although good quality, as they sound dry to me, yet the Anthem P2 is a nice amplifier. For me, the Golden Tube has a nice easy sound and works well with my low powered AMC tube amp. Not much power, but in my bedroom, the sound is wonderful with romantic music. I do think it can be repaired and you have some good choices, if you go for another, and to like the Golden Tube, try the CJ out for sound. I also do not think the ARC VT 100 models are a good match, yet if you liked it, then you might consider picking up an LS15, they are very good and serviceable.