What is the best tube preamp currently available?

Folks - It seems my Golden Tube Audio SEP-3 is finally dead and no support or schematics is available in the entire industry. I am forced to consider a new preamp. I am spoiled with its wonderful tube quality and thought you folks would be the perfect forum to start this research for the perfect replacement. I am primarily stereo based, but would consider an A/V tube preamp, if within my budget. I look forward to your recommendations.
Thanks in advance! - Bill
If I'm not being too rude in creating a parallel thread, what do you think would be the best tube-based line stage at about $1500 or less.

What are the opinions around here about Shanling? I'm wondering if their 2-in/1-out HP300 headphone preamp at $399 would make for a good minimalist line stage like the Melos SHA-1 of 12 years ago. Downside: no remote. Upside: 2 headphone jacks.
Sorry, I can't accept that your P/A can't be repaired. On this what have you to loose. My recommendation is to contact Eric Falkenhan (410) 467-3620 , one of the finest persons I know in audio restoration services. If Eric can't fix it nobody on the planet can. Give him a call & tell him Charlie Rehm referred you. All the best.
You can always contact Bob Backert from RHB Sound Dezign for repairs or mods. Awesome results........pricey though.

Good luck