What is the best Table/Arm combo for 2000 or less

Fremer raves about this final tool and it looks rugged and cool since it can use multiple arms etc.Massive platter.
But the "list" is $3500 actually the price from importer (The needle Dr.) is $1800 without an arm.Too much.Is there an alternative to the Rega 25???Might buy used so could get something for $1500 say????Wonder how this ne wVPI Scout sounds.Or say Project or Clearaudio in this used $1500 price range.I feel like Goldilocks this ones too cheap this ones too expensive.Want to sell my $5200 Aries soon and scale back.Need space and cash.Thoughts????????????????

Showing 1 response by 4yanx

I have a Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm and it is a great table. If you find one lightly used at generally advertised prices (around $1800), it is a bargain in this price range. You might even find one with a decent cartridge for this price if you are patient.