what is the best super speaker and why?

what is the best speaker in the 30k and up crowd. the genesis 1s, ml statement, jm lab utopias,and grand utopias, wilson maxxes, and x-1, whamms, sound lab u-1s, i realize to get good sound you dont have to spend this much but i want to know what you guys and gals think is the baddest boy on the block. dynamics ,detail, what speaker makes you feel i am at the real deal. thanks for looking.

Showing 1 response by deiselr

I have only had the extreme pleasure of hearing the Avantgarde Duo's once.(AudioEmporium-Milwaukee)
Absolutely near the top of my Best sounding system list. Driven by all BAT gear and Kimber cables, I remember an unbelievably smooooth sound with plenty of detail. And the very definition of effortless. That's what my ears told me anyway, so its hard to figure out how others would say strident, but thats ok, opinions cant be 'wrong'.