what is the best super speaker and why?

what is the best speaker in the 30k and up crowd. the genesis 1s, ml statement, jm lab utopias,and grand utopias, wilson maxxes, and x-1, whamms, sound lab u-1s, i realize to get good sound you dont have to spend this much but i want to know what you guys and gals think is the baddest boy on the block. dynamics ,detail, what speaker makes you feel i am at the real deal. thanks for looking.

Showing 2 responses by cornfedboy

albert: i'm with you on the avantgarde's. i've listened, or tried to listen to them with numerous amps, tube and ss. in each instance, the uno's, duo's or trio's were set up by jim smith or one of his associates. they are the most fatiguing, strident speakers iv'e ever heard in their respective price ranges. -cfb
kirk930: IMO, none on your list are as sonically satisfying as the avalon eidolons, which are under $21k (standard finishes-msrp). the most overpriced speakers in your group are the jm labs utopias. i have it on very good authority that the utopias were priced at the $30k level to attract a demographically-identified group of audio snobs who felt it necessary to raise the highend speaker entry bar to that level; according to my authorities, jm labs would still make a substantial profit were the utopias sold for $15k. FWIW, i have listened to all the speakers on your list. -cfb