What is the best storage for cartridges?

If you ended up with some cartridges and you do exchange carts on your tonearms what is the most appropriate kind of storage for your carts not used at the time being?

Showing 9 responses by thuchan

Dear all,
many thanks for these helpful hints! Humidor - yes. booked!
what about light? carts seem to like dark places, do you agree?

best & fun only
Dear all,
I learn there are two camps, one voting for humidity ( around 45 % ) and the other for keeping cartridge under an airtight condition. what effects does nitrogen have on carts?

best & fun only
Brf - depends on the number of carts you are using. In my case with about 40 carts using on 12 arms installed on five TTs I sometimes change carts frequently and sometimes not. So we may talk about a storage box on the long run, maybe for up to 30 carts.

best & fun only
I decided to build a storage case which can be used as a humidor optional. will show the final result in about two weeks. Thanks again for all the valuable hints. Stay tuned

best @ fun only
today the Bavarian Humdior has seen the light.
I put two images on my page. the humdor is the small unit below...

best & fun only
Many thanks to you all for inspiration

the small unit below is the humidor, electronically controlled, filled with distilled water in a sponge.
In the upper part you see the temperature and the humidity – now 53% (it needs time in the beginning). Goes up to 75%.
In front of the single platforms and also in the rear side there is space for the air moving around…
The humidor makes sounds if something is wrong etc.

The door mechanism keeps a firm closing against the rubber blinding.
The carts are stuck in specially constructed aluminum inlays, being able to be moved around in the matching holes.

best @ fun only

You have not included the 12 carts on the arms.
So the question is a completely different one... :-)

Best @ Fun Only
Dear Raul,
You are spoiled with humidity in your region - no need for you in your lovely Fiesta garden restaurant when you are D'jay...

Maybe it is not the humidor itself, you can take it out but the storage and handling is just easy - and no light at all for the good pieces. Not the money counts, ideas and practicability...

Best @ Fiesta Only
My learnings on storing cartridges are:

- controlled and stable conditions
- difference on conditions between listening room and humidor should be not to large
- humidity 40-45% max. - prevents corrosion
- light protection
- UV- protection
- temperature 15 - 20°

best @ fun only