What is the best storage for cartridges?

If you ended up with some cartridges and you do exchange carts on your tonearms what is the most appropriate kind of storage for your carts not used at the time being?

Showing 1 response by heyraz

I would recommend a sealed container with desiccant packs. My concern here is that humidity leads to oxidation (rust). I would absolutely recommend avoiding anything petroleum based, as the vapors will quickly denature rubber compounds. For example-anyone ever see what happens to a turntable mat that has been trapped under the dustcover of an oil or grease lubricated turntable? In the presence of petroleum vapors, the rubber quickly becomes rigid and cracks.
I would recommend a jewelry box with desiccant packs. And don't add foam, that gives of vapors too. If you can't locate desiccant packs, make nice with your local Pharmacist, we throw millions of them away every time we open a new bottle of pills. You'll have to "dry them out" first however, which is nothing more than baking them in an oven for a short while.