What is the best "Carmina Burana" CD you've heard?

I'm looking for the best "Carmina Burana" performance on CD. I'd really like to have something VERY well recorded, preferably HDCD or XRCD. Please let me know if you've come across one.

Showing 3 responses by gregm

May I second (third, fourth) Sugar's recommendation for Jochum. Best performance & OK sound . Go for the performance, it's fun and it matters: the performers know what they're singing/saying! Cheers
I duly confirm, second, third, and fourth sstark above. But the performance! (confession: I have Jochum on LP.) BTW, a question for sstark: the favourite Carmina Tuli?
Interesting, Tweeker, I'll dig the Stokowski out. I seem to remember some Stoko tweeking (no pun) on the tempi..? Cheers