What is the best high efficient monitors under 1K?

Well I am having a hard time to find high efficient monitors for my SET 2A3 amps or may be best matched monitors for the Manley Stingray in my office under $1000.00. Do you have any opinion or suggestion? I would appreciate your anticipate in my thread.

Showing 1 response by trelja

Agree with both of the above recommendations, Coincident Triumph and Von Schweikert VR-1.

My buddy and I spent a couple of months going around and trying to find a sympathetic pair of speakers for his very low powered amp, and they were the only two that cut the mustard. Different tonal balances, however. The VR-1 are more clear in the treble, while the Coincidents do a better job with the bass (especially) and mids, not that the VR-1 mids are at all not recommendable. The Coincidents sound more open and spacious, though.

You can't go wrong with either, the recommendation goes to one that meshes with your preferences best.

Might also want to try the Omegas...