What is the best full range Speaker ?

I am starting out and have budgeted approx. $5k - $7k for speakers (with approx. $3k for an amp.) with a focus on the midrange. I am considering used/new Legacy Focus. Any help would be appreciated.

I am starting out and have budgeted approx. $5k - $7k for speakers

That's an amazing statement.
Thanks for the responses. The listening room size is approx. 14' * 24', with a ceiling that is approx. 18', the listening area is very open. It has hardwood floors throughout.

My taste in music includes vocals such as Anita Baker, James Taylor, etc. (I must be getting old !)

I am thinking of spending the $$ getting high efficiency speakers (something I could grow with) and for now, a less powerful amp.

My friend as an original pair of Legacy Focus speakers each independently powered with old 250 Bell x100 amps. (although the listen room was much smaller than the area I am seeking to fill) It was a religious experience to hear what music should truly sound like !

I have listened to BW 804 & 805, Avalon Ascendant ($8,300 asking price), and a few others. None have seem to do it for me.

thanks again for your help.
bye a used pair off 803 b a w speakers,and a good sub that will keep u under cost , and sound amazing i promiss.krell amps off course. yours truely STEVE KIDNEY.STEVEKID98
The Legacy Focus is one of the most controversial speakers, along with Wilsons, although there is no question about their quantity of dynamics and bass. If that's along the lines you want to go, I would suggest AV123.com/GR Research LS9's or VMPS RM40's in your price range and make your friend jealous.
Vmps will always be considered full ramge, will work good in your room I bet and will look cool in there for sure.