What is the best DB level to

listen to music & movies. I'm still tweaking with a new room and I want to hear things I know are in the music and turn up the volume only to walk out with listening fatique.

Equipment is

ML Request Z, Theater, and Scripts
Bat 500 amp and cinepro 5 channel amp
Pioneer Elite 38A and Harmonic tech inter-connects

Showing 1 response by garfish

Hi Jw; when watching movies (and listening) I set the volume so that spoken dialogue sounds natural-- let "special effects" and music SPLS "fall where they may". And with music I adjust the volume so that the music just sounds live/natural. Another approach is to turn the source up a bit during during favorite passages, then turn it down. IMO, special effects in movies are recorded to damn loud.

I agree w/ '61. 85 dB is pretty loud and long term exposure to SPLs above 82 to 85 (depending on who you read, and believe) can cause hearing loss. Save your hearing.

Right now I'm listening to the Fab. T-Birds in the 75-80 dB range, and it sounds just right at 12-15 ft. in a medium sized room-- w/my HT system, and this is music that ROCKS. Cheers. Craig