What is the best CD player direct into one's amp?

Since I don't listen to FM (poor reception) and seldom use my vinyl (too noisy), what red book player has the best analogue volume section and sound for direct connection to my Threshold 4000 class A amp? I am looking for something in the $1000-2000 range on audiogon. The other possibility is to slightly warm up and expand the soundstage of my maggie 1.6 system with a tube preamp and continue using my very musical McCormack DAC-1 deluxe. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by reubent

I have owned and used several CD players or DACs with volume control. Here is the List:

Theta Miles (balanaced)
Cary CD-308
Quad 99 CDP
Resolution Audio Opus 21
Birdland Odeon Lite DAC
Monarchy Audio Model 33 DAC/pre-amp
Musical Fidelity CD/Pre-24 DAC/pre-amp

Personally, for value, I thought the Quad 99 CDP was the best. It sounded very good and only cost $800-850 used. It also had 6 additional digital inputs so you could add other digital components if you desire. Heck, you could buy one used, try it and resell it for little/zero loss if you didn't love it.

Overall, the best sounding from my list was the Resolution Audio Opus 21. Unfortunately, I have never seen one sell for under about $2400.

The Cary CD-308 is not bad for about $800 used. I've read that the Cary CD-308T (tube) is significantly better and it sells for about $1300 used.


Hey Bill,

I know we've "sparred" over the Quad before and I too find if interesting that we agree on the other players and not the Quad. I really liked it in my system and it bested all of those listed, except the RA Opus 21.

Interestingly, I took the Quad to a friend's home. He has a very highly resolving system comprised of a $10,000 TT setup, a $4000+ Herron Pre-amp, Herron phono stage, ARC tube amplifier and Quad 63 speakers and a Meridian 508.24 CD player. It is a great sounding system. We put the Quad 99 CDP player into his system in place of the $4000 Herron and Meridian player. The Quad playing CD direct was easily superior to the Herron/Meridian combo.

Now, my buddy in an analog guy as you can tell from his system. He also preferred the Quad CDP playing direct vs the Herron/Meridian combo.

Just goes to show you, one man's champagne is another man's Miller High Life!
