What is the best AC receptacle on the market?

Fellow audio enthusiasts -

I beseech you by the mercies of Audiophilia to rescue me from my own ignorance. After reading all that I could about the many receptacles both on Agon and the net, I confess that I am now more confused than before. Nickel plated - good or not? Gold plated - good or not? Can someone answer this question for me, pls?

What is the best AC receptacle on the market?

Showing 4 responses by lak

Read: http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?raccs&1065488253&openusid&zzLak&4&5#Lak

Feel free to email me if you have questions.
Good luck...You can't go wrong, it's a matter personal preference.
Thanks Tom nice job!
I've been meaning to put a list together (simular to yours) of the outlets I've used and still own, but I have not had the time.

The Furutech FP-2G and Wattgate 381 are both excellent gold plated outlets with good contact pressure points. If you want the smooth rich sound on certain components.

The Porter Port is a Hubbell 8300, I believe it’s sound has something to do with the fact that the contacts are not nickel plated and the outlet is treated by a long computer-controlled cryo immersion as opposed to a long computer-controlled cryo vapor. The sound it produces is very similar to a Gold plated outlet with detail in the lows, mids and highs, a sweete timbre and background accompaniment detail. The sound is not as smooth but still very desirable.

Personally, I don’t think one is better than the other, just different applications. You have to mix and match cryo’d outlets with your different components to see what produces the best sound you prefer to hear, it’s a personal choice.

Another outlet to consider is the Hubbell 5362, no nickel plating however it is usually cryo’d with long computer-controlled cryo vapor, 24 – 48 hours depending whom you purchase it from. It’s good also; I use some in my Equi-Tech Q2, just sounds a little different than the Porter Port.

I hope this helps, just my opinion, lot’s of brands out there to choose from.
In my opinion regardless of what you do, the AC outlet is always important. I can hear the differences in my high resolution systems fed from two isolation transformers 5 KVA each.