What is the benefit of a good transport?

I'm trying to understand the role of the transport - i.e., what does it need to do and what differentiates one from another? How old is too old when it comes to used transports? I know it reads the disc, but I don't really get how one is different than another. Thanks for any advice.

Showing 1 response by dodgealum

Yes, thanks Shazam for a description of how things work that a layperson can understand. I didn't really think much about transports until I purchased an Esoteric X-03SE with the VRDS-NEO transport. Aside from being a wonderful sounding machine, the confidence that the transport inspires is revelatory. When I load a disc and hit play I simply KNOW I am getting the best read of the data because of how the mechanicals look, feel, sound. The transport is really an engineering marvel.