What is the appeal of the Denon 103 cartridges?

I know they have been around years. However, I see many music -gear reviewers with super expensive turntables running the Denon 103/103r. I'm thinking of trying one myself, possibly one of the ZU adaptations. 

Showing 3 responses by nandric

The compulsion of language and grammar. The ''S is P'' sentence form. Aka ascribing properties to specific objects. But we
can't say anything about any cart without comparison with other
carts. This however imply relationship between objects. For
relations however the ''S is P'' sentence form is not suitable.
''Brother'' for example does not describe any object or subject
but refer to an family place in a  family ordening. Or, to put
this otherwise:  ''better than...'' relationship assume comparison. 
Variables and their values. Everybody seems to understand what
''best cart'' means. But is that a fact?  As I mentioned in my previous
post ''better than relation'' imply  comparison, say: x versus y''.
If the value for x is Denon 103 what is the value of y ? ( 3 +y= ?).
This may mean ''some other'' or ''all other''. ''All other'' nobody can
claim while with '''some other''  we can see by mjw 25 7 names 
as values for ''some''. So he is the only one ''logical correct'' 
user of the language of variables. To put this differently the
expressions ''all'' , ''some'' , etc . are not names with referring
function otherwise ''x + 3'' would name some number. 
Variables only mark the place where an name must be put to
make the whole expression understandable. 

Different religions assume different beliefs. The same apply for
this question. The English saying is: ''I am not rich to buy cheap
stuff''. The other say: ''no better deal than bargain''.