What is the advantage of ultra bandwidth?

I'm looking into buying a new amp (Spectral DMA 100S), which is ultrawide bandwidth, and I'm wondering, why are wide bandwidth amps made? What are the theoretical advantages of this approach? and what are the possible pitfalls? I've heard the amp with my current speakers and loved the sound. But I don't know much about what wide bandwidth has to offer



Showing 1 response by gregm

Sean, as usual, gives the concise & layman-friendly rendition of the matter. Onhw also gives good advice, I dare say.
I can add that music sounded VERY different to my wife's & my ears when we switched to wide-bandwidth amplification! The differences mainly concerned "background" (for wont of a better word) musical detail. We also felt that there was subjectively more time to listen to (more details of) the musical piece. Objectively, our previous equip is comparable, if not slower, than the wide-bandwidth -- or so the manufacturer claims.
Finally, as these designs amplify beyond 1MHz, ANYTHING in that spectrum will be duly served to your speakers for further... processing: this includes even harmonics (which we like) and trash (which we don't).
The DMA 100S: great product!
(I like Spectral, so my comments on their products are partisan!)