What is Technics thinking?

Lots has been said, both pro and con, about the new Technics turntable.  Description here -


Some are excited about the potential, given the upgrades since their last production table/arm, the venerable SL-12XX series.  Others see it simply as an excuse to raise the price significantly of the 1200s.

In my view they shot themselves in the foot.  They copied the model number of their best selling table (I can only imagine in the hope the familiarity will carry over) and also ended up with a very similar appearance.  Given the information on all the upgrades over their prior model, the similarities make it appear like something less than what it might be.

Technics had a room at THE Show Newport and that was my first chance to see a SL-1200GAE.  The fit and finish appeared to be very good but it did look like a "polished up" SL-12XX.  I ask the Technics rep why they didn't do more to distinguish this as a new model, given their efforts with engineer upgrades.  He said he could understand my question but then really didn't offer a reasonable explanation.  After describing all the components which had been redesigned/upgraded from the prior model he offered a demo.  However the room was crowded and the remainder of the system was completely unfamiliar, so no fair impression could be made.

I believe it should have had a more unique model designation and more might have been done to the physical package so it didn't look so much like the prior model.


Showing 3 responses by paraneer

But weren’t those priced around $600? Can the new one be a "sure thing" at $4,000?!?

If the below report is correct the first 300 units of the 1200 worldwide were sold out in Japan in 30 minutes. Not bad for a reengineered version of an icon that has been brought back to market at 4 grand!
Your post really has to do with the aesthetics of the TT and not the advanced engineering. I guess it really comes down to if one likes the looks of a SL-1200MKII. Two million people did before this reintroduction. So for those that do, Technics made the right call and made a classic even better.

Personally I like the look and coupled with the undeniable improvements and lab reports I have read, this would be on my short list if I had a budget of 4 large for a new TT.

It may be great, but will it slay all other TT’s at the $4K mark?
We all are entitled to our opinions, but from the audition I had, I believe it can slay many. And if one wants a new Direct Drive turntable, then yes, it will slay all other 4K tables on the market. Name me one high end TT available today that is Direct Drive and priced at 4K other than this one? There are none.
My 6 month wait is over, my Technics SL-1200GAE shipped today from Hi-Fi Heaven
Congrats Bill. I look forward to your review. Also, what cartridge will you be using with this table?

Thanks for the link Andy.  Good to know that the "G" will be just as awesome as the "GAE". 

But its still the same price - 4 Grand!  So why are you glad you waited?