What is proper ratio of money spent on amp/preamp/integrated vs speakers? 1:1?

Lately I'm finding more of a difference in SQ as a move up the chain in the amp/preamp/integrated market and not so much if I try to upgrade speakers.  Plus, buying and selling (and shipping) speakers is a PITA.  But having just upgraded from Devialet D200 to the dual mono D400 and loving it, it feels odd having $8000 (I'm in the used market almost exclusively) worth of power running $4000 worth of speakers, Dynaudio Contour 30's. 

I'm now wanting to upgrade again to the Expert Pro 440, but then we're taking about $10,000 and even more of a skewed ratio.
What is the proper ratio?  Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by kingbarbuda

Like @pokey77 said it’s about synergy. But yes its also stupid IMO to drive Magicos with a Best Buy receiver per @mjmcubfn. It’s a matter of what budget you have for your system and how can you build it so that it’s all of similar quality so that you don’t run really expensive sources through crummy preamps and amps and not hear how great your source is. Also you want to have speakers to match the quality of your upstream components. You want them to be able to play the quality they are being fed. There needs to be a balance. But IMO cable and power management is very important and you (if it was me, having proved it to myself) will want to spend some of the budget on quality power conditioning and the like, cables and interconnects. It make a difference and will enable you to hear the best that your system has to give.