What is proper ratio of money spent on amp/preamp/integrated vs speakers? 1:1?

Lately I'm finding more of a difference in SQ as a move up the chain in the amp/preamp/integrated market and not so much if I try to upgrade speakers.  Plus, buying and selling (and shipping) speakers is a PITA.  But having just upgraded from Devialet D200 to the dual mono D400 and loving it, it feels odd having $8000 (I'm in the used market almost exclusively) worth of power running $4000 worth of speakers, Dynaudio Contour 30's. 

I'm now wanting to upgrade again to the Expert Pro 440, but then we're taking about $10,000 and even more of a skewed ratio.
What is the proper ratio?  Thoughts?

Showing 5 responses by audiotroy

CD318 can’t disagree with you more.

Electronics can make or break a set of speakers.

How many loudspeakers are resold here because the electronics are not complementary or are just insufficient to derive the best sound quality out of the speakers.

We have a room full of electronics and we can go from $1000 intergrated amps from Rega, Peachtree, and Nad and compare them with the Naim Atom and others, we have the Naim Atom, the Star and the Nova, as you go up in price the sound gets considerably  better.

We have seen speakers literally come alive with the right pairing of electronics.

In one anecdote we mentioned before, we took a pair of Paradigm Person 3F a $10k speaker with Beryllium drivers to a clients house and compared them to a 10 year old set of Dali Helicon 400 at $5k set of speakers on his older Classe  integrated amp. Added a Dac, changed cables and each speaker sounded better, however the Dali's still were sounding better than the Personas in terms of bass response and midrange richness.

Then we substituted a Naim NAC 272 dac preamp with the Naim NAP 250 the Persona 3f sprang to life and sounded far better than the Classe/T+A DAC 8DSD, Bluesound, combo with the Dali Helicons.

The combined dollars to dollars were the same, the Naim drove the Paradigms to perfection and the sound was amazing were on the other combination the sound was good.

Electronics are preserving the sound.

Dave and Troy

Audio Doctor NJ

Yes Miller we use Focal Grande Utopia Em on a Fisherprice close and play with a car audio amp sounds glorious.

Who needs imaging, transparency, bass control, a smooth top end. 

Let me go drive my Ferrari engined Pinto.

You go Michaelgreen 

Yes Michael most stores are not 100% compromise free.

We don’t have the luxury of having a room with just one pair of speakers.

We can assure you our rooms sound very good.

We use a balance of natural acoustics and devices designed to break up standing waves as well as using passive room tuning devices such as resonators,  Tube traps, custom acoustic panels, Shakti Holographs and Stein Harmonizers which we are sure you don’t endorse, however, many people do.

Funny we didn’t see anyone at AXPONA using Michael Green audio products wonder why?

Doubly so in terms of your clamping racks want to tell Critical Mass what they are doing wrong?

It seems that their products were all over AXPONA and again nobody was using yours.

Used to use your products at SBS they were mildly effective, seems the industry has moved beyond you perhaps?

 Michael proof is in the putting, if you were such a genius at what you do your products would be everywhere.

We can end this conversation now, the market speaks loudly.

All of our rooms are dedicated listening rooms, we also have a dedicated Home Theater room.

Our main Showroom 1: features Echo Buster Panels, Shaki Hollographs, Acoustic System Resonators, Stein Harmonizers.


Showroom 2, uses Tube traps, and Acoustic Sytem Resontors, Stein Harmonizers. None pictured behind Legacy Speakers


Showroom 3 is a starter audio room no treatements.


Showroom 4 is a dedicated Home Theater room with two live walls and two dead walls, custom absorptive and diffusive panels, walls are reinforced laminates of plywood, with mass loaded vinyl, green glue and sheetrock, custom ceiling treatments, custom floor riser with tactical transducers.


Does that suffice for you, most of the high end dealers don’t have any treatments and most rooms are just sheetrock boxes.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ