What is Paypal charging you?

Paypal is presently charging me a 4.05% fee on transactions, up from 3.95% just yesterday. They keep bumping their percentage fee up on me - it started out at 2.9%.

Unfortunately, the fine print gives them the right to charge whatever they want, so my only recourse is to stop using them.

Just curious - what are the rest of ya'll getting charged?
their customer service is just plain non-existent. You can't email them, they don't publish their phone numbers, .. in short, they suck out loud. Anyone who hasn't gotten screwed yet is living in a state of denial. It WILL happen, and you will change your tune once it does. I'd love to see them get sued/go bankrupt/get legistlated out of existence.

If we had a decent banking system in the USA, intstantaneous inter-bank transfers from account to account could easily happen, done directly by consumers at no cost. This would hopefully put scumbags like paypal out of existence immediately. Look at Europe's bank system as an example - they have had this ability for years. Our bank system sucks and is a joke by comparison.

Golly, lcklcc, if you are a registered member, why then aren't you posting under your member ID instead of an email address?
Ed sawyer... Where have you been looking? PayPal DOES publish their customer service number right on their web site under HELP. 1-888-221-1161.
Hmm. that's new. It used to be they published nothing of their phone #. Must have gotten too many people complaining. I gave up on them over a year ago - good riddance. I bet they still don't let you email them directly, must go through their inane useless webforms...

Go to HELP...The number is indeed posted. They have been very helpful with all my questions.