What is missing here?

In this months Absolute Sound magazine there is a nice review of an amp that many of us would probably consider based not only on the review but on the topology utilized with the amp. The amp in question is the new Air Tight ATM 300R. This amp utilizes the 300B tube and according to Dick Olsher " The Air tight ATM300-R wowed me with countless hours of listening pleasure. It consistently brought to life the full sonic promise of the 300B". Sounds amazing right??

Except, nowhere ( except in the specs section) does it mention that this amp is limited to 9Watts/Ch!! And at that it is putting out about 10% distortion! So not only is the amp severely limited to which speakers one can match it to, but those speakers had better be ULTRA high efficiency. While most experienced a’philes will expect the extremely severe limitations of this kind of max output, how many casual listeners who read this article will realize the extreme limitations that this amp comes with? Certainly none of that is mentioned in the review, which brings up the question...why not??? How many even somewhat seasoned a’philes have made the mistake of matching a flea powered amp with a less than favorable speaker load? Let’s hear about it....

Showing 3 responses by jjss49


the purpose that those write ups serve is to reap advertising dollars, or more accurately, the write ups are the reward to advertisers

just look at the recommended components list -- there is 100% correlation to advertising LOL
9 wpc is a decent single ended tube amp output, would need to be run with very high efficiency speakers, usually horn loaded units of which there are many good ones

that sub-segment of the high end market has many proponents, most very experienced audiophiles and music lovers...music made by those systems can sound stunningly good

gordon rankin, audio note, audion, cary audio among others are very well known for making lovely amps with low outputs that have great purity

so what’s the big deal and why the belly aching?
i have to say, this thread cracks me up

the full comic, ironic genius of this forum all on display, all at once

op - with 1800 posts, being called a non-audiophile HAHAHA he should be on a sweater sewing forum then

chuck m getting his face slaps and hand claps in HAHAHA

op reads a stereophile review (the most blatantly commercial stereo magazine out there) gets mad dick olsher doesn’t say an air tight tube amp has low power in his text review (clearly stated in the specs), complains bitterly he is wronged HAHAHA

op writes paragraphs upon paragraphs, post after post, to subsequently defend his position, restate his


people, let's try to learn and share info on this site, not rant...

i am going for a swim get some cardio now, have a good day all!