What is meant by a "fast" pre amp

I have heard a pre amp described as "fast", what does that description mean?

Showing 4 responses by phd

I pride myself on owning a very fast sounding system. Just the other day I was listening to a track on one of my favorite CDs, as soon as the song started, it was over. C'mon folks that is very fast, left me alot of time to do other things. This is not funny but more than likely true. How about amps that weigh 50 lbs or more. By virtue of their sheer weight they are dragging the sound down to a slow pace.

Honestly, good engineering and a short signal path can produce a fast sounding product.
Thomastrouble, you knew my last post in reference to fast was tongue & cheek and was written to be amusing, not to be taken seriously. Right?
Thomastrouble, I too agree with you that Almarg post was both intelligently written & clear. He most definately is an asset to this audio community. I'm more in your camp and will leave the technical description to folks like him.

The Naim CD is a block of lead, no doubt contributed to its heavy case. I have experimented with Naim gear in the past and found out it is designed to generally excel with other Naim components and with its unique connections, makes it almost impossible to mix and match with other brands. If I could give you any advice I would tell you to purchase as new as possible because this technolgy has been progressively improving as time goes on.