What is it the wears out on a cartridge?

The answer may be obvious, but it is actually the stylus or the suspension that wears out?

The next logical question is...What can be done to extend the life of a cartridge? Cleaning the stylus? How does temperature, humidity, and light affect the life of a cartridge? Anything else?

Showing 1 response by bpwalsh

Nsgarch wrote:
Line-contact or micro-ridge styli will last longer than conical or elliptical styli; because the former develop less friction (even though most cartridges that use them require higher VTF)
In theory, yes. In practice, only if the alignment is correct to reduce the stress (contact force/unit area) on the groove walls. Correct alignment also is known to increase separation, and reduce phase errors, crosstalk, and distortion :o)