What is in a Naim ?

Heard this brand a thousand times. Seems to be a cult among Naim users? ANyone heard about these ? what is in a Naim that intriques audio fanatics? Heard that they are better than Krells, Classe, Mark Levinsons, etc... anyone care to comment ?

Showing 3 responses by sedond

nait 01 tuna is one of the best going, i dunno much about their other stuff...
cornfedboy, always glad to hear an erudite gentleman such as yerself speaking out in support of my lowly onix/soap tuna. :>) the place i bought it years ago also had a nait-01 set-up; i woodn't a said the onix bettered it, but it was certainly its equal....

regards, doug

sounds a lot like linn, ackshully... i had a kairn preamp for a few years - did everything right, except it had a flat, 2-dimensional soundstage. similar to what i heard at stores, also...