What is in a Naim ?

Heard this brand a thousand times. Seems to be a cult among Naim users? ANyone heard about these ? what is in a Naim that intriques audio fanatics? Heard that they are better than Krells, Classe, Mark Levinsons, etc... anyone care to comment ?

Showing 1 response by naimuser1e0b

The Naim user guide as seen by me, an ex-Naim user (who will probably going back to Naim) Leave the damned things "On" at all times. D'ont worry about the heat, the WHOLE casing acts as a heat sink. Dead silent. Always ready. Good pacing, extremely detailed. Soundstaging may be a weaker point, but overall balanced sound. Even the smallest Naim integrated is an incredible bargain. That's Naim for you. Plug it in. Forget about it. Enjoy the music.