What is in a Naim ?

Heard this brand a thousand times. Seems to be a cult among Naim users? ANyone heard about these ? what is in a Naim that intriques audio fanatics? Heard that they are better than Krells, Classe, Mark Levinsons, etc... anyone care to comment ?

Showing 1 response by cwlondon

I have a Naim Nait II with Rega mini monitors in my bedroom. Sounds OK for my audiophile clock radio, but for serious listening I find it bright enough to drill holes in granite. What's in a Naim? In this case, ordinary parts, a wimpy power supply and an underpowered amp that clips pretty easily and then sounds terrible. Like Linn, however, they somehow get people to drink their UK brand of Kool Aid. I do like the back lit, green logo and the quirky shape, however. If that is what you are looking for in an amp, I could heartily endorse the purchase of a Nait.