What is everyone using for dedicated AC lines???

I need to buy some dedicated AC cable.

What is everyone using? Romex?

I want the best performance, I will tear out the cable when I leave the house. If its not up to code, oh well, I'd rather have better performance anyways.

I thought about 10/3 Romex for the amp and 12/3 for the CD/Preamp.

What do you think?

Please, no arguements over this I need to buy cable ASAP!

Showing 3 responses by stehno

Hi, Albert. It is obvious to me that I actually posted first. :)

I'm looking at the Parts Express catalog #21 on pages 55 and 141 where they have a heavy duty 10/3 power cable that is 99.9% OFC. However, it is stranded and I thought it was solid core.

Their price for this is $33.15 for 50 feet. But there should be a few other places to check for quality solid core 10ga. but not many.

I bought my solid core 10/3 99.95% OFC house wire from a friend who had quite a bit of custom made for his new listening room which has perhaps 20 or so dedicated lines throughout the room.

Hope this helps,

10/3 should be sufficient for all lines and as mejames says, would definitely meet or exceed code.

Look for an aftermarket 10 gauge solid core 99.95% OFC flavor.

PartsExpress.com used to carry such a product for about $30 per 50ft. roll I believe. You can certainly get more exotic than this type of house-wire, but this should level of quality would suffice.

And is much better alternative to the Romex brand found at home depot.