What is compressed??

On My Adcom GDV-750 dvd-a player is has the option to compress the analog outputs. What I want to know is it has off up to full. so is off compressed? or is the full setting compressed? and what difference will it make?please help

Showing 2 responses by bright_star_audio

Hi Harnellt,

Most probably that feature is included on your machine to provide greater control when you listen under less than optimum conditions. When listening at low volumes or in areas of high ambient noise the very softest passages in the music may be masked. Adjusting for less dynamic range will limit the peaks of the music but also make the softer passages more pronounced by allowing you adjust the volume control higher than you would without the control enacted.

Best Regards,

Barry Kohan
That control may also let you make recordings for use in your car which has relatively high ambient noise levels.

