what is "B" stock

What does "b" stock labeling on a product mean. Should one be afraid?

Showing 2 responses by hellohifi

Does no one really no what B stock is? B stcok items are typically NOT items mfr's have used at shows. Those would be deemed "show demo's". Refurbished items are sometimes (incorrectly) deemed B stock, but they are not. Refurbsihed items are just that: refurbished items. Go to: www.hellohifi.com/about.html to read more. The greatest problem with B stock is that many of the people that get it don't know it's history and don't mention they are selling B stock. Here's a tip: don't buy B stock. We (HelloHiFi) don't sell B stock, and there are many reasons for this!
Here's a tip: don't buy B stock. We (HelloHiFi) don't sell B stock, and there are many reasons for this!