What is an excellent power cable?

Looking for a high quality power cable. Anyone recommend anything? Also, is a quality power distributor important as well? 

I second-thirds? oh what the heck I would like to reiterate what Samac and Nonoise said at the begining of this thread about Cullen PC Crossover 2's. They PC's take a little bit of time to break in BUT when they do they add a wonderful neutral clarity to the music. I would also like to add that the Sonar Quest plugs are just great plugs and they are so reasonably priced (well reasonably priced for this crazy hobby).I have re-terminated some old lossless PC's with the Sonar Quest plugs and it was a very nice improvement.

Best wishes

Easy choice.
Signal Cable.
Well constructed, the biggest bang for the money. I bought 2 for Adcom GFA5802 and GFA5500. It was shipped so fast. I received it before Hurricane Irma hit us in Hollywood, Fl.
As an Electrical Engineer, who works for Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission multinational corporation, I appreciate excellent work and materials, Signal Cable is it. 
I really wonder.... If those who claimed to have bad experiences with the Pangea cables have a vested interest elsewhere.  I never heard any of the negatives that some here are claiming.  If they were genuinely bad experiences? Its still no reason not to try them. It may be a fluke thing. They are well made and sell for a much better price than those ones others approve of.  They are constructed with Cardas cable and litz.  I think I may smell a rat... But, one never knows.
Shunyata venom for sure 
u can buy 3 for $500 
I replace much more expensive cord with venom and never looked back.